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Type 2 diabetes, once known as adult-onset diabetes, is now affecting youth at alarming rates.
Almost 50% of African-American and Latinx youth will get diabetes in their lifetime unless we do something about it.
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Support The Bigger Picture

Bring the Bigger PIcture to your school or event by booking a poet to speak, perform and/or facilitate a workshop. Email us at

Messengers of Truth, Messengers of Health: Young Artists of Color Speak Out To Prevent Diabetes

Using Art to Tackle Obesity and Diabetes in Youth
The Bigger Picture campaign uses spoken-word poems and music videos to highlight how Type 2 diabetes impacts communities.

10,000+ public high school students have learned about Type 2 diabetes and how to take action

25+ powerful films created

3 county health departments have adopted the program

20 public high schools received The Bigger Picture assemblies

Recognition from major media outlets

1+ million video views

Campaign Partners in Richmond, LA, Pomona, Sacramento, San Jose, San Fernando and Stockton
The Bigger Picture shifts perception around Type 2 diabetes, particularly focusing on changing the environmental drivers of disease, such as access to affordable, healthy food and drinks.
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The James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award, Institute of Medicine, Soda Summit, In Defense of Food film, James Beard, HARC, Food Farm Film Festival, Real Food Media Contest, APHA Spirit of 1848 Social Justice Video, UCSF Excellence in Community Partnerships, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (Young Champions for Latino Health), & Sacramento Film Festival